hey, i was wondering if any of you guys know a program in which you can for example open 20 pictures, and resize all of them at once? unlike photoshop or paintshop where u can only resize the pictures one by one.
i think there is a powertool for this…
and I think it’s been posted before.
Well, thumbnailer can do it,
But photoshop can do it to0, the can do bach proccessing.
the image resizer should work for you
you just need to record an action in Photoshop and then play it on all the pics.
here is a post that i ran through how to use the actions tool in Photoshop…
You can do it in fireworks too…
Btw nice footer soulty
*Originally posted by blah-de-blah *
**You can do it in fireworks too…
Btw nice footer soulty**
thanks guys! that helped. =)