Hello kirupa folks. I am just getting back into flash after a 6 or 7 year absence and MAN have things changed.
I used to use the old Adobe ImageReady to turn one image to another by blurring a picture once, then twice, then three then after about 10 - 15 times I’d put them altogther and voila, animation.
I also used to use flash to shape/motion tween and I could’ve sworn at one point in time you could use flash to make one image tween into another. I need very much to be able to turn a color image into a sepia image, I already have the first image and the last one but for the love of GOD HOW DO I DO THIS IN FLASH!?!??! I have spent about 3 hours searching the net for someone that can answer this and from what I can find, I’m the first to ask, at least in CS4.
Also, I do not wanna spend $150 to buy that SoThink thing, at least not YET.
Please, I have a great flash movie planned out for a web site I am working on and this is the only part I can’t get to work, the rest I’ve been able to figure out!!!
Thanks flash community