Images and privacy

the images folder
sup ppl

new ?, now most ppl when making a website specially a static one , always have an images folder right so.

when someone types in the url for ex.

www. your site / images

a page comes up with all the pics in the images folder.
my ? is how can keep ppl outta here.

these are ex of sites who do this

I think you have to set up your server to deny directory listing…

mine doesn’t allow you to see directory of folders…


all those sites that you listed deny directory listing.

the second one has a funny message:

Originally said by: dreamwaveprod images directory

Get out of here FOO!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

i laughed at that one, cause its a real company too.

mmh i guess you could set up a .htaccess… but i wonder if you can use an image which is located in a protected folder…

Another solution is simply put an index.htm(l) in that folder, and the user wont be able to view the directory… stupid but werks

or go to the privet_html in your server, thats what mine has

thanks man thanks it worked

check it out

*Originally posted by mlkdesign ***…Another solution is simply put an index.htm(l) in that folder, and the user wont be able to view the directory… stupid but werks **
I prefer “elegantly simple”, sounds better than “stupid”. :slight_smile:

You can take that one step further and code the index.htm or index.php, or index.asp, etc. to redirect to your web site home page.

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