Imbed mailing list question!


Im trying to figure out how to make it possibly for somebody to put in their e-mail addess in an input text box, and by clicking enter, subscribe to a mailing list. BUT i dont want it to open any windows or e-mail clients or anything. They put in their addess, press enter, and done.

Could somebody please tell me the action script i would use or at least tell me if its possible or not.

THank you for your time


You would have to use server side scripting for that. I would (personally) use PHP. Are you using anything like that? I mean - do you have it available to you?

I have PHP support on my server, but im not to familiar with it. Which is why i havent considered it as a option.

Is there somewhere i could get decent information about it (PHP), or at least learn how to do what im trying to accomplish?



There’s stuff all over the place for it. If you goto (home page) and click on server-side/scripting forum, you’ll see tons of PHP stuff.

For what you are doing, see this:

Other than that, if you want that email submitted by email, it won’t take much at all. Your PHP script would only be a few lines long!

If you need more help, let me know.

Ok, i appreciate everything, and i think that last link about PHP variables in flash (tut 2) is exactly what i need, and actually more. I still dont understand a few things. For instance, in the PHP script for Tut 2, or maybe its in the action script for the button. Where do i define what e-mail addess this is being sent to. I assumed that somewhere i have to put "" in order for it to actually subbscribe to the mailing list.

I hope im explaning this clear… thanx

in the beginning of the PHP script, there should be a variable called ‘to’ that assings where it goes. It is then used at the end of the script in the mail() command. So, in your PHP script, make sure you have this:

$to = "";

The mail command is like this:

mail ($to, $subject, $message, $header);

thank you very very much for your time and help.