Hi, this is a delicate problem that I have incountered many times before…I made a 7 minutes flash movie …with over 12.000 frames …I asked the buyer too review the movie constantly when I made the movie so I don’t get to this problem again but it happend again. The problem is that AFTER the movie was finished …sound added …everything, he want’s to make pauses betwin animations longer…and there are 38 animations one aftre the other …I can’t make the pause by script cause this would afect the music and the pause button my movie allready has …I can’t move all the frames to the right starting from the beginining cause my computer crashes everytime I do that …and also the movie …and I have 1.5 Gb ram…if I start from the end It’s gonna take me ALOOOOOT of time …if any of you have incountered this problem before and have a better solution I would be forever in your debt.