IMPORTANT: Read before posting!

This forum is for dealing with your server-side questions and problems. We all try to help and look at every post, but in an effort to save us time and get you the answers you want faster please do us this favor:

[color=red][size=2]USE MEANINGFUL TITLES![/size][/color]
Something like, “Please help!” or “Gurus look inside!” only pisses us off and we are more likely to not read your post out of spite! :stuck_out_tongue: Use meaningful titles like:

[color=red]Problem connecting to database[/color]


[color=red]String explode() problem[/color]

Also if your question is regarding a server-side script then please place which script you are using in your title like this:

[color=red][php] Problem connecting to database**[/color]


[color=red][asp] Can’t cut string **[/color]

Those are great titles because I know which language you are using and what your problem is before I even open the thread to read thru your post. This will help us get to your questions faster because not all of us know every language very well. I know PHP really well, but I don’t know anything about ASP, but there are some people who know more about ASP and not too much about PHP so we can see right in the title what language the question deals with and we’ll know right away if we can help!

Vash :cowboy:

Wow I didn’t even read this and followed the rules.

“Great Job Ron, you get a gold star!” LOL.
