first of all i hope i didn’t post into wrong section of the forums.
i’ve been building some website in pure flash with as2, where index.html is only a 100%x100% swf movie without any margins
i didn’t expect there was supposed to be a gallery but oh well. our client decided that he wants to have some gallery in his flash website. this of course wouldn’t be a problem if the swf weren’t scaled but it unfortunately is
so everytime it loads an image it is, of course, sacled up/down which produces a really ugly pixelated image (because nobody would want to have his gallery images scaled up 2 times)
if i knew there was going to be a gallery, i would export it into html with “match movie” dimensions and dynamically reposition all the objects in the swf but i didn’t. and i don’t have time to rebuild the ■■■■ site again
so i’m asking, is there any option for a loaded image that it would not get scaled up/down while the swf(browser window) is? **or a variable **that tells at how much % is the movie scaled in the browser?(so i could re-scale the images inside flash) i know there is probably not but i’m really desperate. does anyone have **at least any idea? **