Importing flash buttons to Dreamweaver

I’ve just made my own buttons in flash, how do I import them into dreamweaver so they are selectable buttons and they are easy to link?

all help will be appreciated, :phil:




Also what am I doing wong with this button? you’ll see when you preview it, that when you put your mouse pointer in the middle of the button, it opens up, but only half way, the full button does’nt seem to work…is it becasue of the text?

Here it is :slight_smile:

Here. The button wasnt working because the text inside it was set as input text.

so is there a way to import flash made buttons into dreamweaver so they are easier to link to other pages?



Does’nt anyone know the answer to my question?

All i need to know is how to get a button made in flash to basialy work in dreamweaver, because I have made my own button in flash, and my own site in dreamweaver, and whta I’d like to know is how do i get that flash made button into dreamweaver ready to hyperlink to another page.

please help,



Insert | Media | Flash

But then how do i make it so that button can link to another file or page on my website?



You have to set that action inside flash.
Click on the button, hit F9 and insert this code:[AS]on (release) {
getURL(URL, window);

ahh, thats it, thatsh what i was looking for! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:



No problem :wink: