So here’s the deal.
I have a bunch of Illustrator CS files (which I didn’t create) that I need to import into Flash MX. The Illustrator files have quite a few gradients and transparencies. I’d love to be able to import the illustration so that when it gets into Flash all of the gradients are preserved, but no matter what I do, by the time it gets into Flash it’s a mess.
The thing I’m MOST trying to avoid is turning the gradients into bitmaps-- which is what is currently happening.
I’ve tried exporting my files from Illustrator as a swf, an eps, illustrator 8,9 & 10, pdf.
I’ve tried importing these into flash both onto the stage and into the library.
I’ve also tried bringing the illustrations into Freehand and exporting them that way.
None of this works.
Anyone have suggestions?
And Senocular-- it’s me! Read my username backwards!