Hi, I got some photoshop images saved in png 24 bit, then I import them to flash. when I dragged the images to the stage ,I found that the background of the images still have some light shade on them. I have already attached the sample image for your verification. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of them??
I havent seen or experienced that problem before. I’ll wait for others to reply, they may have seen the issue before. Do you have the jpg before you send it to flash? Does it look the same way?
if you have an original that does not look bad. Put it on here and we can try to use it, to see if it works.
Actually I’d already try jpg format but it did’t came out with transparent background so I changed it to png 24 bit.
try using this cool plugin i foudn out about it makes your psd as a fla or try using fireworks ive noticed that fireworks handles the export of images better than any program ive used in terms of size and usability
Hi all, now I’ve uploaded a sample of my project to help you better understand my problem.
Please verify the edges around the buttons and pics.Hope someone can help!!
perhaps you have the matte option selected when you are saving the PNG? i’ve done that a few times. just make sure you have matte set to none, or if you match the color of the background it will be on it looks smoother.
I use Fireworks instead of Photoshop. I had the same issue before, what I did to finally solve the issue was to use smooth lines instead of hard lines when creating my objects. Smooth anti-alias’ the object automatically and looks alot nicer.