Can someone help me amend this code so that I can feed swfs in through the xml?
At the minute it’s only letting me put jpegs on the stage, I get an error when I try swfs.
// import tweener
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
// delay between slides
const TIMER_DELAY:int = 000;
// fade time between slides
const FADE_TIME:Number = 1;
// flag for knowing if slideshow is playing
var bolPlaying:Boolean = false;
// reference to the current slider container
var currentContainer:Sprite;
// index of the current slide
var intCurrentSlide:int = -1;
// total slides
var intSlideCount:int;
// timer for switching slides
var slideTimer:Timer;
// slides holder
var sprContainer1:Sprite;
var sprContainer2:Sprite;
// slides loader
var slideLoader:Loader;
// current slide link target
var strTarget:String = "";
// url to slideshow xml
var strXMLPath:String = "slideshow-data.xml";
// slideshow xml loader
var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
// slideshow xml
var xmlSlideshow:XML;
function initSlideshow():void {
// hide buttons, labels and link
mcInfo.visible = false;
//btnLink.visible = false;
// create new urlloader for xml file
xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
// add listener for complete event
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoadComplete);
// load xml file
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(strXMLPath));
// create new timer with delay from constant
slideTimer = new Timer(TIMER_DELAY);
// add event listener for timer event
slideTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextSlide);
// create 2 container sprite which will hold the slides and
// add them to the masked movieclip
sprContainer1 = new Sprite();
sprContainer2 = new Sprite();
// keep a reference of the container which is currently
// in the front
currentContainer = sprContainer2;
// add event listeners for buttons
//btnLink.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goToWebsite);
btnLink.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showDescription);
btnLink.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideDescription);
mcInfo.btnNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextSlide);
mcInfo.btnPrevious.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, previousSlide);
function onXMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void {
// show buttons, labels and link
mcInfo.visible = true;
btnLink.visible = true;
// create new xml with the received data
xmlSlideshow = new XML(;
// get total slide count
intSlideCount = xmlSlideshow..image.length();
// switch the first slide without a delay
function fadeSlideIn(e:Event):void {
// add loaded slide from slide loader to the
// current container
// fade the current container in and start the slide timer
// when the tween is finished
Tweener.addTween(currentContainer, {alpha:1, time:FADE_TIME, onComplete:onSlideFadeIn});
function onSlideFadeIn():void {
// check, if the slideshow is currently playing
// if so, start the timer again
if(bolPlaying && !slideTimer.running)
function switchSlide(intSlide:int):void {
// check if the last slide is still fading in
if(!Tweener.isTweening(currentContainer)) {
// check, if the timer is running (needed for the
// very first switch of the slide)
// change slide index
intCurrentSlide = intSlide;
// check which container is currently in the front and
// assign currentContainer to the one that's in the back with
// the old slide
if(currentContainer == sprContainer2)
currentContainer = sprContainer1;
currentContainer = sprContainer2;
// hide the old slide
currentContainer.alpha = 0;
// bring the old slide to the front
mcSlideHolder.swapChildren(sprContainer2, sprContainer1);
// delete loaded content
// create a new loader for the slide
slideLoader = new Loader();
// add event listener when slide is loaded
slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fadeSlideIn);
// add event listener for the progress
slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, showProgress);
// load the next slide
slideLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@src));
// show description of the next slide
mcInfo.lbl_description.text = xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@title;
// set link and link target variable of the slide
//strLink = xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@link;
strTarget = xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@target;
mcInfo.mcDescription.lbl_description.htmlText = xmlSlideshow..image[intCurrentSlide].@desc;
// show current slide and total slides
mcInfo.lbl_count.text = (intCurrentSlide + 1) + " / " + intSlideCount + " Slides";
function showProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
// show percentage of the bytes loaded from the current slide
mcInfo.lbl_loading.text = "Loading..." + Math.ceil(e.bytesLoaded * 100 / e.bytesTotal) + "%";
function nextSlide(e:Event = null):void {
// check, if there are any slides left, if so, increment slide
// index
if(intCurrentSlide + 1 < intSlideCount)
switchSlide(intCurrentSlide + 1);
// if not, start slideshow from beginning
function previousSlide(e:Event = null):void {
// check, if there are any slides left, if so, decrement slide
// index
if(intCurrentSlide - 1 >= 0)
switchSlide(intCurrentSlide - 1);
// if not, start slideshow from the last slide
switchSlide(intSlideCount - 1);
function showDescription(e:MouseEvent):void {
// remove tweens
// fade in the description
Tweener.addTween(mcInfo.mcDescription, {alpha:1, time:0.5, y: 20});
function hideDescription(e:MouseEvent):void {
// remove tweens
// fade out the description
Tweener.addTween(mcInfo.mcDescription, {alpha:0, alpha:1, time:0.5, y: -10});
function clearLoader():void {
try {
// get loader info object
var li:LoaderInfo = slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo;
// check if content is bitmap and delete it
if(li.childAllowsParent && li.content is Bitmap){
(li.content as Bitmap).bitmapData.dispose();
} catch(e:*) {}
function addSlideContent():void {
// empty current slide and delete previous bitmap
while(currentContainer.numChildren){Bitmap(currentContainer.getChildAt(0)).bitmapData.dispose(); currentContainer.removeChildAt(0);}
// create a new bitmap with the slider content, clone it and add it to the slider container
var bitMp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap(slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo.content).bitmapData.clone());
// init slideshow