Hey…im a very bad designer, and need a layout for my website http://www.tutorialit.com!Unfortunatly, i have no money, there fore im in need of a designer who will mke me a layout free of charge.If you will do this, please aim me at PeRrY kId 04 or email me at perrykid04@buckeye-express.com .I also have msn, and my email is griffeyman04@msn.com .Please contact me if you’ll help me!:luigi:
Are you using a content management system, or a homegrown php/mysql design?
I’d be happy to customize a standardized template for you, if it’s phpnuke/postnuke or something of that nature.
I’ll give you as much help as I can.
mail me back at info @creativemistake.com if interested
i may be a help to u
He told me someone’s doing it already.
tanvi your intro for your site has an annoying skip intro buttton. you may want to consider creating a hitbox for the button.
I agree about the button hehe