i.m trying to create a 3d rotation much like the widely used carousel only the rotation i desire consist of four upright( at 90 degrees) movieclips resting on a slanted, 30 degree plane which rotate (following a tween or way to bring the rotation on stage) on a oval like path - then pause for a given number of seconds(4 to 8 secs) at the same point in the rotation (the lower left corner or the rotation)
i.m also attempting to bring easing into the rotation with the tween class that will eventually surround a graphic element
i.m aiming to use four DIFFERENT looking movieclips (maybe with an looping array or ?) instead of the approach i.m using now (attaching mcs).
var count:Number = 0;
function around() {
if (count<180) {
this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s = (this._y - perspective) /(centerY+radiusY- perspective);
this._y -= (this._x-(centerX-radiusX))/Math.sqrt(12);
this._xscale = this._yscale = s*100;
this.angle += this._parent.speed;
this.swapDepths(Math.round(this._xscale) + 100);
else if(count == 260){
count = 0;
var numOfBalls:Number = 4;
var radiusX:Number = 250;
var radiusY:Number = 75;
var centerX:Number = Stage.width / 2;
var centerY:Number = Stage.height / 2;
var speed:Number = 0.02;
var perspective:Number = 160;
for(var i=0;i<numOfBalls;i++) {
var t = this.attachMovie(“ball”,“b”+i,i+1);
t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/numOfBalls);
t.onEnterFrame = around;