#include path problem [MX]

I am using a #include file with flash and all is working except when I give a path to the include file like


Flash does not see the file. If I just use db_constants.as as the path or render the flash file locally from my desktop flash sees the file.

So, question, is there a path issue when using the #include command? Does the includes file have to be in the same directory?

#include "./voiture/variable.as"

works for me, and so does

#include "voiture/variable.as"

pom :slight_smile:

Maybe it has something to do with the “…” as you know this takes you back one directory from where you are at.

This works in flash right?

#include "../variable.as"

works perfectly too :moustache

Strange, I went ahead and tried it again and it’s working. Would not work a couple of days ago, but who cares, IT WORKS.

Thanks pom

a common problem with using #include is that sometimes people, by habit, include a semicolon (:wink: at the end of a #include statement. Doing so will generate an error. So thats one thing to keep an eye out for in the future (though the error usually tips you off easily enough)