Including or Excluding the Current MovieClip on Tween

Hi all,

I have 3 MCs on my stage, and I am applying motion tween for all of them dynamically, in this way:

var nav_array:Array = new Array("Home", "About", "Info");

for (var i:int=0; i<nav_array.length; i++) {
    var objeto = this["my_mc"+i];
    objeto.navText.text = nav_array*;
    var efeito = "x";
    var anima = Strong.easeInOut;
    var pos_ini = objeto.x;
    var pos_fin = objeto.x+200;
    objeto.myTween = new Tween(objeto, efeito, anima, pos_ini,pos_fin, 1, true);
    objeto.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);

function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
    var objeto2:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip

However, as you see, I’m considering only the current movieclip.
Now, I need to alter this code to the follow situations:
[]When any MC is clicked, Motion Tween would be applied to all, including the current object
]When any MC is clicked, Motion Tween would be applied to all, except the current object
What are changes needed in my code to meet the above situations?

Thanks for any help.