Increment problem

I’m planning to do a short screensaver which will display, in real time, how much money my company is earning. This is basically an ActionScript problem, but I really need help on how to get this done. And yes, I have searched the forum. I can’t find anything similar to it, or I didn’t use the right keyword or something. Anyway, the concept is to set a base value of how much my company has right now, say x. Then set a base time and date for x. So, at Time=Y, Date=Z, Value=X. I’m using myTime.getSeconds();, myTime.getMinutes();, myTime.getHours();, new Date(); to get values Y and Z from the local PC the flash file is residing.

Now comes the tricky part, how do I write a function to keep adding a specific value, say w, to my base value, x, after every second. I hope I didn’t lose you guys on my way here, but thats my problem. I belive I should use a DO WHILE function to

DO increment, earn=x+w,
WHILE currentDateTime>baseDateTime,

but I have no idea how to start doing it, haha…

AScript Guru’s… please help. Its really very urgent.

Ok, you kinda lost me on how the variables and stuff are going to work… so I will just show you an example shell or what you could do…

[AS]function getValues(){
//do what you need to in this function
//use setInterval to run the getValues function every 1 second (1000 milliseconds)
//myInterval is the setIntervals ID
//you can stop running the setInterval by using clearInterval(myInterval)
myInterval = setInterval(getValues, 1000);[/AS]

Thanks! Working on your concept now. Anymore ideas guys???