I’m planning to do a short screensaver which will display, in real time, how much money my company is earning. This is basically an ActionScript problem, but I really need help on how to get this done. And yes, I have searched the forum. I can’t find anything similar to it, or I didn’t use the right keyword or something. Anyway, the concept is to set a base value of how much my company has right now, say x. Then set a base time and date for x. So, at Time=Y, Date=Z, Value=X. I’m using myTime.getSeconds();, myTime.getMinutes();, myTime.getHours();, new Date(); to get values Y and Z from the local PC the flash file is residing.
Now comes the tricky part, how do I write a function to keep adding a specific value, say w, to my base value, x, after every second. I hope I didn’t lose you guys on my way here, but thats my problem. I belive I should use a DO WHILE function to
DO increment, earn=x+w,
WHILE currentDateTime>baseDateTime,
but I have no idea how to start doing it, haha…
AScript Guru’s… please help. Its really very urgent.