Independent MC quality

'Sup, guys?

Is it possible to set the quality of individual movie clips independently?
Here’s what the manual says:

This example sets the rendering quality of a movie clip (and subsequently the entire SWF containing the movie clip) named my_mc to LOW:

my_mc._quality = "LOW";

I would further add to the “…and subsequently the entire SWF containing the movie clip…” that the setting of that my_mc would also affect the parent SWF if the SWF containing it is in turn externally loaded into another SWF.

If setting the [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]._quality[/COLOR] property of a single MC affects the entire SWF and EVEN the parent SWF, then why have it in addition to the global [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]_quality[/COLOR] property? I mean, what’s the freakin’ use if it does the exact same freakin’ thing? :m: (Doesn’t it?)
