indexOf in a multidimensional array

i’ve an array like so:
[AS]var teste:Array = [ [‘a1’, ‘a2’, ‘a3’], [‘b1’, ‘b2’, ‘b3’] ];[/AS]
i want to search for a specific item, let’s say “b3”.

Although this works is there a way to search the array without the need to specify the “dimension”? Thought about a for cycle that would run through all the dimensions of the array but want to know if there another solution for this…
[AS]for (var i in teste)
if (teste*.indexOf(‘a3’) != -1)


I’m still relatively new to AS3’s new functions, so I’m not sure if there’s an easier way; but I think you’d have to use something like this

var array:Array = [[1, 2],[3,4]]
function getIndex(array:Array, key:Object):Object{
	for (var item in array){
		var tmp:Object = {};
		if(("_"+array[item].join("_")+"_").indexOf(key.toString()) != -1){
			tmp.dimension = Number(item);
			tmp.index = array[item].indexOf(key);
	return tmp
var vals:Object = getIndex(array, 3);

nice one nathan, thought you are using a for loop. :slight_smile:

I can get the same result like so:
[AS]var teste:Array = [ [‘a1’, ‘a2’, ‘a3’], [‘b1’, ‘b2’, ‘b3’] ];

for (var i in teste)
if (teste*.indexOf(‘a3’) != -1)
trace('index: '+i, ’ position: '+teste*.indexOf(‘a3’));[/AS]
But please can you explain me that line of code that you wrote:
[AS]if((""+array[item].join("")+"_").indexOf(key.toString()) != -1)[/AS]

sorry but that seams to me a ninja code! :smiley:

OHYEAHH OOPS I forgot to set that up; I meant

var array:Array = [[1, 2],[3,4]]
function getIndex(array:Array, key:Object):Object{
for (var item in array){
var tmp:Object = {};
if(("_"+array[item].join("_")+"_").indexOf("_"+key.toString()+"_") != -1){
tmp.dimension = Number(item);
tmp.index = array[item].indexOf(key);
return tmp
var vals:Object = getIndex(array, 3);

I use that to turn an array ([1, 2, 3, 4], for example) into a string preceded, succeeded, and separated by underscores (_); so my example array [1, 2, 3, 4] would thus become 1_2_3_4, so that way we can search for key. This is necessary so if we had [11, 2, 1, 4] and looked for the index of 1 it won’t return 0, which is actually 11, not 1.

**EDIT::: **now I think of it I could just use indexOf - I’m still used to AS2s functions;

var array:Array = [[1, 2],[3,4]]
function getIndex(array:Array, key:Object):Object{
for (var item in array){
var tmp:Object = {};
if(array[item].indexOf(key) != -1){
tmp.dimension = Number(item);
tmp.index = array[item].indexOf(key);
return tmp
var vals:Object = getIndex(array, 3);

What I’m trying to say is; I think your left to only use a for loop (as you originally suggested). I left my explanation up though, so you might be able to translate the ideas to something else? never know.

thanks nathan, now I can understand why the underscores in there… really good the solution thinking in AS2, clever one I see :wink:
in my head indexOf, back in as2, where only applicable to strings so I never thought about apply it to an array, so that’s what you build up, a string where the array elements are separated by “_”. Bright minds have this, associative ideas :rambo:

thanks for clarification :slight_smile:

i want to search for a specific item, let’s say “b3”.

Although this works is there a way to search the array without the need to specify the “dimension”? Thought about a for cycle that would run through all the dimensions of the array but want to know if there another solution for this…

yes you can use a nested for loop to search through a multi-deimensional array like so:

var array:Array = [	[1,2,3],
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
	for(var j = 0; j < array*.length; j++) {
		if (array*[j] == 8) { 
			trace("Opps it was a water tile and you drowned!");
		// think of 2D array index as x and y
		// i = y = rows index
		// j = x = columns index

Why would you forget indexOf? It would be faster than running 2 loops, would it not?

[QUOTE=nathan99;2353093]Why would you forget indexOf? It would be faster than running 2 loops, would it not?[/QUOTE]

It merely for ease of use. I dont know about the speed, but to me it looks a lot easier to search through the array.

indexOf is much much faster than a loop.

you should never loop like this either;

for (var i:int = 0; i < something.length; i++)

but always do it like this;

var len:int = something.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)

take the hypothetical;

var t:Number;
var index:Number
var array:Array = [ 
t = getTimer();
for (var item in array) {
	if (array[item].indexOf(8)) {
		index = array[item].indexOf(8);
var t1:Number = getTimer()-t;

t = getTimer();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
	for (var j = 0; j < array*.length; j++) {
		if (array*[j] == 8) {
			index = array*[j];
var t2:Number = getTimer()-t;

trace("nathan99's: "+t1);
trace("yaim0310's: "+t2);

from this we can see a considerable difference

I stand corrected

what i said… this ninja guys!


well, for me a noob coder seams easier to understand the indexOf… at least the new one in AS3.
always broke my head when I had to do it as yaim said in AS2. (cause that was the solution I knew).

just an opinion…

nice array nathan, should try letters :slight_smile: