Infinite menu bar PROBLEM!

hi there,

is it possible to have a infinite menu bar active as buttons or is it solely just a animation to hold pics and text…

basically i wanted the buttons within the infinte menu bar to be able when pressed to load an external movie or just to go to a particular frame within the swf!!!

could someone plzzz help me out??

thnx in advance !! :slight_smile:

Take a look at this list of threads, I’m sure one of them will solve your problem.

thnx alot EG,

i found a thread that help me out…

bye 4 now !! :thumb:

no problem. =)

hi there agian,

the code that i got from your past thread worked great…

on (release) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 0);
_root.container._x = 0;
_root.container._y = 154;

now how do you make that target that loads the .swf to disapear basically…
in other words unload movie…so that it goes away when i press another button for example!!

i would appreciate any advice !! :thumb:

thnx in advance !! :slight_smile:

Apply a script like this to your button.

on (release) {

This has really halped me out as well! :azn:

no problem. =)

Hi there again… just another quick question!!

i have a main swf and in that swf i have two buttons, button 1 and button 2. now when i click on button 1 it loads an external movie, no problem up to this point.
now within that external movie that loaded i have the infinite menu, the infinite menu contains a arsenal of buttons. now i want thos buttons when pressed to be able to load small external movies, this was easy with the code u gave me…

on (release) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 0);
_root.container._x = 0;
_root.container._y = 154;

no problem up to this point. now if we go back to the main swf button 2, i want this button when pressed to close the small external movies of the inifinite menu buttons.

is this possible? if so how?

i tried to unload movie and even what u suggested removing movieclip…

on (release) {

but i think the problem is getting button 2 to recognise the small external movies of the buttons within the inifinite menu.

any help would really be appreciated… :thumb:

thnx in advance !! :slight_smile:

Same method, just assign different instance names to the movieclips that holds the other external movies.

which method are you refering to??

waits for reply… :smirk:

I only use one method, I use createMovieClip(); for my loaded movies and removeMovieClip(); to unload them.

well thnx for all the help EG, it all came to plan… :thumb:

i experimented and it worked just great…thnx for the replies!!

bye 4 now !! =)

no problem. =)

Hi “im back again” … :azn:

in this code i got…

on (release) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 0);
_root.container._x = 0;
_root.container._y = 154;

is there any tweeks or adjustments in order to scale that movieclip and also center it to my other exsisting swf??

waits for reply… =)

hey i did it…

no bother replying EG…again thnx for all the help :thumb:

bye 4 now !! =)