the infinite menu partial file is unavailable. plz guys fix it , i need to learn that thing.
the infinite menu partial file is unavailable. plz guys fix it , i need to learn that thing.
That tutorial was written by ilyaslamasse, maybe you should private message him and ask him for it or wait till he comes across this thread. I thought I had the file on my comp, but I can’t find it. If I do find it before you get it then I’ll post it there, just be patient. =)
thanks buddy
is this wat u r looking for ?
yeah thats it but the partial source “” on which you should start working is not available for download.
Here it is; I just renamed it.
this probably shouldn’t be placed in here because it has nothing to do with the infinite menu, but i just wanted to let gr8jay know of the typo in his footer…
lose, not loose…:beam:
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