Infinite menu


Could somebody please look at my file and tell me what is wrong with it?:-\ thank you,

regards: daisy.



Saw your post yesterday and worked on it then - I think you’ll find it’s working now :slight_smile:

It was all to do with where you had the mouse triggering left or right movement and also where the scrolling of the menu actually started.

Hope this all helps.


Thank you,
But in other words in newbie words:(
what code is left an what code is right + and what or where is the
" where the scrolling of the menu actually started"?:+) :+)

Thank you:flower:


onClipEvent (load) {
	speed = 1/10;
	xcenter = _x+_width/4;
	xmin = _x-_width/2;
	xmax = _x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	var distance = _root._xmouse-xcenter;
	_x += distance*speed;
	_x = _x<xmin ? xmax : _x>xmax ? xmin : _x;

Use that code instead, it should work no matter the size or position of the menu. :wink:

Thank you kax, where did you find that piece of code its great!
How come its not in the infinite menu tutorial, it will make not only mine but other peoples life easier, then again…nothing is easy in this world:crazy: :crazy:

Thank you kax:love:

regards: Daisy

Originally posted by DaisyDee
where did you find that piece of code its great!

…I wrote it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by DaisyDee
How come its not in the infinite menu tutorial, it will make not only mine but other peoples life easier…

That’s a really good question… :-\

And you’re welcome. =)

*Originally posted by DaisyDee *
How come its not in the infinite menu tutorial
Because it’s supposed to work as it is :slight_smile: But you’re right, that code is much more practical :-\

Does it mean that you’ll edit the code in the tutorial and give me a huge credit, Ilyas? :beam: :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding… the credit is not necessary. :wink:

I wish I could, but Kirupa is a bit slow on the updates :stuck_out_tongue: [size=1]I’m hope I’m not getting banned for this…[/size]


I guess we’ll have to wait then… :-\

Thanks a lot for the above code. It solved my problem where some of my menus were working fine with the Mac but would stop on the PC. This solved it!


Isn’t the search feature just great!? :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem, visualidea.
And welcome to kirupa forum!! =)

Hey, what does Querétaro mean? I just took Spanish class and was wondering!

I don’t know… it’s just the last name of some guy, Santiago de Querétaro (which is the name of a city (and state) here in México). :slight_smile: