Infinite photo gallery?


i was taking a look at the infinite menu tutorial here at kirupa, and i got an idea for my webpage… i was thinking about making a line of photos beside each other , and they would keep moving towards the left of the page from the far right…, and when the last photo comes, then the first photo shows up again from the right, but the difference is that the mouse does not control the movement to the left and right… this might sound confusing but it makes normal sense :stuck_out_tongue:

so i was wondering if ne1 could help me out with some actionscripting to make my idea work :slight_smile: thnx alot for reading this! i appreciate it :slight_smile:


you could just replace the _xmouse stuff with a set speed number.

hey! thanx for u’r reply! thats exactly what i had in mind, but the thing is i dont know how to replace it, i dont know how to set like a speed number…could u please help me out?


Replace the code on the movie clip with this…

onClipEvent (load) {
	var speed = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	_x += speed;
	if (_x>0) {
		_x = -300;
	if (_x<-300) {
		_x = 0;

thanx alot it works :):):slight_smile:

Cool =)

No problem :slight_smile: