Input and dynamic tect

I have some questions as I am a newbie to the world of AS2 (have not dared to even look at AS 3 yet). I guess that all of them are really stupid and simple to solve :slight_smile:

Question 1) I have an input text field with the instance name nameField and the variablename of userName. Is it possible to transfer this value to an dynamic textfield in another frame along the same main timeline?

How do I do this?

The thing I would like to do is to on frame 1 have a form that asks for name and email. In the nest frame (frame2) I would like to present the information that was typed on frame 1. Really easy and simple, just to understand this concept with variable.

Question 2)
If I trace a variable from an inputtext I was expecting just the string that the user had types, eg Simon. Instead I get this:

Question 3)
In some books I see that the variable is not in use when it comes to input text. Sometimes just the instance name is used. Ex
In an inputtext (with the instance name capitalCanada) the user will type in the capital in Canada. The check can according to the book be done in this way:

[FONT=Courier New]if (capitalCanada.text == “Ottawa”){
trace (“Correct”);
} else {
trace (“Wrong answer”);

But can this way also be helpful to solve my first question?

Please help me out here :slight_smile: