For some reason this thing isnt working… and i dont know why… its an expirement in a book im doing but it just doesnt seem to work… what is supposed to happen is you input text into the first box, then push the button and it displays it below that
this is what i have
on the first frame i have this
I have an imput text box with the variable name of imput1
I have a button with an instance name of enter_btn
I have a Dynamic Text Box with a variable name of output1
I have no idea why its not working
thanks in advance for the help
hooooooooly crap
i feel soooo stupid
i just stared at that stupid thing for like 45 minutes and i couldnt figure out what the hell i did wrong… and i spelled function wrong… thats brain power for ya… geeze
thanks jubba… how come i didnt catch that?
Happens all the time… A good way to make sure that all of your keywords are spelled right is in the preferences change the colors of everything. That way they only show up when they are spelled right and they stand out…
yeah… i did that before… i made stuff bright red and green and such… and i just couldnt figure out why funtion didnt light up… probably cuz it wasnt function… lol… the simplest things confuse me