I know there is a method to the madness regarding how Flash reads the order of input text fields. I happen to not know it <:(
Of course, mine don’t tab in order from L to R then Down. The fields are all different sizes so I assume the order takes this into account. I copied and pasted the input text boxes in a logical fashion but they’re all screwy regarding tabbing order.
Thanks for responding. Where do I add the script, and how should it be formatted? What handler should it begin with? I’m a beginner, so details would be appreciated.
Sorry for that, as I don’t hang around that much, I don’t know who’s more beginner & more intermediate/advanced…
So, in the property inspector, give each textfield an instance name.
Add an extra “actions” layer, add a keyframe where your your textfields are on the timeline.
Code goes into that keyframe:
//(better to go up in 10s, so you have some margin should you want to add another textfield in between…or use 1,2,3…)