Input Text not being extracted!

I am new to Flash and am trying just to get this simple analogy working where a user just enters the answer to “8+6” and if it isnt “14” then the dynamic text should display “Incorrect” or otherwise “Correct” but it just doesnt want to work!! Spent the whole day yesterday trying to get it to work!!

I would like to attach the file but its saying that its too big…

Is there anyone that can design a very simple one for me please or just tell me how to do it!

I did everything that said on the internet, like naming variables and just assigning variables but it wont recognise the variable!

Please Help!!!

hope it helps

like this

heh. that wasn’t there when i clicked POST!!!

tats awesome man…thank you so much…!!

cant believe how easy it was!!

Cheers man…

You’re number 1!


Thanks a lot guys…this forum is awesome…i was hoping for a quick reply but this is just fantastic! now i knw where to go when i got flash problems! :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks again!

Yeh its bad when you do that. I spent ages replying to someone the other day and then found they had deleted the post.
rajneilg:- you are welome