Input text validitaion with variable loaded from an xml

Hi kirupians.

I hope you can help me like you always do.

I have this quiz where the user has to type a word and if this word is the same as the one i loaded from an xml it says correct. if is not its say incorrect.

This was the easy part.

The problem is that the input text is case sensitive. If the user types “Please” and the macthing loaded word is “please” the answer is going to be false.

What i need is to flash ignores the cases in the input of the user and validate as correct no matter the cases are.

I hope you can understand my crappy english.

thanks in advance.

PS. i uploaded the flas for you to see. this is what i have done till now. it has some instance names in spanish and some variables too (im from venezuela) but i guees that should not be a problem.