Input the content and save xml

is it possible to [color=red]create [/color]a new XML file and [color=red]save[/color] in flash.
the create part i mean is, user can key in the parent and child note in flash
example==tis is wat u want to create

when i [color=red]click the title button, [/color][color=black]a input box appear,[/color] i enter the [color=red]title name[/color]
when i [color=red]click the sub_title button, [/color][color=black]a input box appear,[/color] i enter the sub_[color=red]title name[/color]
when i [color=red]click the content button, [/color][color=black]a input box appear,[/color] i enter the [color=red]content[/color]

then finaly save it…