Insert info and email

Hey guys, need help agian with php.
I’ve created 6 different html contact forms that collect info and will store that info into a mySql db so the results can be searched later. This is not problem however. Each of those 6 forms will need the information sent to a different dept email address. Im stumped as to how to send the email AND send the info to the db at the same time. Seems like when I get one working the other one breaks. :frowning:

This is the insert.php that Im using which works fine

$query = "INSERT INTO contacts VALUES ('','$name','$company','$title','$email','$phone','$state','$contact_how','$message')";

I need this to send an email and to direct to a confirmation page. I can pay some one a little money like 50$ via paypal. It would only take a good coder like 15 minutes to do :wink: May also need your services later down the line for developing the search form too. (thats if I cant figure it out) :stuck_out_tongue:

wooohooo! It’s works like a charm :smiley:
I may take you up on the search help. But I won’t be touching the pc that much tomorrow. Im gonna be riding my downhill bike hoping I dont die :lol:
If I need help I will post here.
Thanks again Digital! :slight_smile: