Inserting a blank line with Dynamic text

Is there anyway to add a blank line to a dynamic text object.

For example :-

.content.text = “How do I add a blank line into this object?”;

Is this possible?

i believe
.content.text = “How” + newline + “do I add…”

*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**i believe
.content.text = “How” + newline + “do I add…”
[/AS] **

I should be paying you after all the help you have given me :slight_smile:

Believe it or not I do try to findout things by reading the help files etc but often I don’t know where to start.

Thanks again.

lol no problem man, glad i could help :slight_smile:

theres also \r or

text = “This is one line.\rThis is another line.
And yet another line.”;

i was going to suggest that, but for some reason I thought that wouldn’t work with Flash, only server side. Better solution though, thanks for clearing that up Sen


just fyi Flash inherently uses \r but recognizes
as a new line too
Mac OS9 and below uses \r
Windows uses

*nix and Mac OSX uses

Often people run into troubles with Windows generated text files as it can cause double spacing in interpreting text as both the \r and
get read as seperate lines making 2 instead of the 1 seen in a windows text file. Some text editors allow you to convert such text or just use \r or
instead when editing.