Inspire me

Hey guys, ive just been asked to design a theme for a friends website. He wants it non-flash though. My brain is dead at the moment and i need inspiring. Does anyone know any sites that have good design ideas? I dont want to copy them, just get a few ideas together, thats all. (Preferably non-flash ones - my work computers wont let me install flash, the firewall hates it grr…)

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

:link: [color=orange]the orange one[/color] :link:

My site. :beam: (when I finish making it)

Be inspired / repulsed as thou wilt. :slight_smile:

thats cool, and exactly the sort of thing i was thinking of.
Simple, yet beautiful.

cheers kit :slight_smile:

any other site suggestions?

whoa, that’s awesome… the no wings no halo looks like the titles on my site…

anyways, if you want design inspiration, go to

Kit - that red rose is kind of a phalic symbol :wink:

at least in my little world it is!

a rose is a symbol of the sacred feminine.

getting visions of pink floyd’s “The Wall”'s animated flower segment. ahh, what incredible beauty interlaced with the darkest despair*

darn hippie. haha

click on my footer…

i love his site^

*Originally posted by pinx *
**a rose is a symbol of the sacred feminine. **
Precisely. :slight_smile: is a good place for finding cool sites to inspire you :slight_smile:

i figured you would like something orange :stuck_out_tongue:

here’s my unfinished site… still needs loads of work
(the preloader is screwed up)

not sure how ‘inspiring’ would it be… :slight_smile:

wow guys, they are cool. thanks for the help, i think imgetting over my designer block now. started something last night, was looking cool. I will post it when im happy, so you can tell me how “great” (ahem) it really is…

thanks again people!:thumb:
