I’ve been creating components for awhile in as2- I’ve also been creating mxi files (which become mxp files), that tell flash where to place destination files during the installation.
This all still works in CS3, except that if I want to install an as3 class file on the user’s system, there is no way that I know of to specify in the mxi file to drop the class in the standard as3 classpath.
So in as2, I could just use the ‘$flash’ directive telling the mxp to put files in the configuration folder:
<file name="Classes/flextnet/IK/ChainTween.as" destination="$flash/Classes/flextnet/IK/" />
But there doesn’t seem to be any similar directive to place an AS3 file … ?
If not it seems the user (person installing the mxp) would have to set up their own classpath, which is not a great solution. Does anyone know the correct way to handle this latest curveball Adobe has thrown at us? :sen: