So i have added UILoader to my library,
and now through AS3 i want to add multiple instances of the same UILoader and then access them separately
i created for loop in which i dynamicaly create var name like this:
this[“image”+i] = new UILoader();
and add all related properties like x and y
now i get to create instances names for these dynamically generated variables that hold my UILoaders through
this[“image”+i] = “myInstance”+i;
now is what i want to find out
for me to change something for that dynamic variable i have to use
this[“image5”].x = 30;
but isnt there another way to access properties of the instance, i ave already defined instance names right, so shouldnt i be able to use the instance names like
instead of using
this[“image5”].x to set x property
may be i thinking wrong and i just dont get exactly how it works, any clarifications and suggestions?