Interactive Atlas (incomplete) need suggestions

hi :slight_smile:

I am currently working on an interactive map of the world which will show the “wonders” around the world.

It is still incomplete but I wanted some input at the beginning stages to get some more ideas

For now only ASIA and ANTARCTICA will show some of the features.
The flags you see there are buttons which will eventually lead to “information screens” appearing with a picture and info.

Here it is click to view

To get an idea of what it will finally be like view this completed map of the middle east/ Europe

Please post your suggestions ideas and critiques on the 1st flash and feel free and open to say anything, cos every bit helps :slight_smile:


its nice functinality wise but graphically its not very appealing. just work on improving the images then it will be really nice

Thanks - yes I know i really suck at graphics but im hoping to get some practice in and make good ones

for now im just stuck using graphics available here and there and modifying them

:stuck_out_tongue: use some google earth maps :slight_smile:

i don’t see anything:(
ok, just downloaded it:)
the graphics are not particularly nice, and so are the fonts. i suggest changing them:)

ok thanks for the suggestions, they mean a lot - ill try getting google maps and changing the fonts - Thanks again :smiley:

you might be interrested in my maps of europe & poland. all free but if you use them dont forget to drop me a line.