I have a request by a client to come up with a simple map of New zealand (which I have already) with mouseovers over regions and cities which will flyout a menu of college campuses in those regions or cities.
This will be driven by one XML file (generated by php and mysql). Each instance of the menu will be the firstnodes of the xml file, and submenus will be its children. For example:
Region One //will flyout when mouseover on region three
<campus> campus 1 </campus>
<campus> campus 2 </campus>
<campus> campus 3 </campus>
<menu> Region Two //will flyout when mouseover on region three
<campus> campus 4 </campus>
<campus> campus 5 </campus>
<campus> campus 6 </campus>
<menu> Region Three //will flyout when mouseover on region three
<campus> campus 7 </campus>
<campus> campus 8 </campus>
<campus> campus 9
</campus> </menu>
I will be doing the graphic part, but will need somebody to help out with the actionscripting. Quite simple but my actionscripting is a little rusty and I am out of time.
Project is due in a week but I imagine this shouldnt take more than a couple hours for someone who knows what they are doing.
Basically, what is needed is a modification of this menu: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/xml_dropdown_menu.htm
Please email me at james[at]leapfrogdesign.co.nz for more info.
Top $$$ offerred, but will need to be negotiated.