Interactive Image Panning


So, I’ve been looking on just about every Flash resource web site I know (and found a couple that I didn’t know of, and some I wish I didn’t find) for a solution to a problem I’ve got with a project I’m busy on. The idea is to create a fake 3D space with several layers of images seemingly on top of one another, all of which correspond with the mouse’s position at different speeds. Yeah, that doesn’t make sense to me either. Look at and enter the main web site to see what I’m trying to recreate. We have a background of clouds, moving extremely slowly. Some mountains on top of that, moving faster. The soldiers are layered in front, also moving at variable speeds to give the desired 3D effect, without actually using a 3D environment (which I’ve already wasted tons of cash on). I’ve followed the image panning tutorial on Kirupa’s site, and along with some other source files I found all over, I did get something close to what I’m aiming for. The thing is that some items at the front need to act as buttons or animations, and I will need to able to control the other objects’ position on the stage. For example - we’ve got three people moving around on the front of the stage, and when I click on the one at the right, the two on the left slide to the left even more to make some space for an animation in between them and the one on the far right. While this sounds overly complicated, I’ve seen it done, and I know someone here is brilliant enough to know what I mean :slight_smile: So if anyone has any help with this issue, I would be eternally grateful. Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to upload my source files, but any help in getting elements to move around the screen relative to the mouse, but also to predefined positions, would really save my life …