Interactive & Web Developer-Eden Prairie, MN

[COLOR=black]DreamWorld Studios is looking for an Interactive Developer that has experience programming in Actionscript 2.0. This applicant should be experienced with creating web applications and DHTML websites using VBScript/JavaScript/CSS.<o:p></o:p>[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]Proficiency with [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Adobe Creative Suite 2 and Macromedia Studio 8 is a requirement. Talent and experience in Graphic Design are a must. Experience with Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects skills are an added plus.<o:p></o:p>[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]The ideal applicant would be able to support the Senior IT Administrator with day to day IT support involving client email software configuration, SQL 2000 DB Maintenance including creation of simple database projects, and assisting with maintaining computer systems and servers when required.<o:p></o:p>[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]The ideal applicant will be able to support our development team with responsibilities involved in the creation of multimedia products for both CD-ROM distribution and distribution via the web for both Macintosh and PC systems. [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Ability to take initiative and work independently as needed.[/COLOR][COLOR=black]<o:p></o:p>[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black]This [/COLOR][COLOR=black]opportunity offers the ability to grow as a multimedia and web developer while learning from a highly motivated development team. [/COLOR][COLOR=black]This will be an **exciting and fun position **for the right person, and an opportunity to do great work for a variety of clientele.[/COLOR][COLOR=black]<o:p></o:p>[/COLOR]
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Please email resume, work samples (site URL’s and your role description) and salary requirements to<o:p></o:p>
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Compensation is dependent on qualifications.<o:p></o:p>