Hey all,
I’ve just started flash a few weeks back, and have been fiddling with it ever since, as i have to make a site for my yr12 project…
Anyway, to the point…
I wanted to know the best way to load the pages in my movie. Its sort of a complicated site. What happens is, a slider (containing the nav buttons) moves left and right across the screen according to a variable. When the buttons is pressed, it will also change the background, and loadMovie into the main screen.
Now my question is, is it best to have the 4 pages on the main timeline, and the movie moves to a frame label depending on which button is pressed, or have all the movieclips called and retreated according? Hard thing is, if the menu slider is on the left, when a button is pressed it goes to the frame label right? Well, if that particular frame has the keyframes set at the right already, it’ll jump to the left before sliding to the right…
I hope i made sense, and ANY help whatsoever is greatly appreciated…
This was a last resort, as i feel guilty asking others to help me with my projects, and it gives me a lesser sense of achievement.
Thanks again