Interface Tutorial

To all:

Can someone tell where should I go to get tutorial for designing the interface for website?

Thank you

If you’re going to use Photoshop then I suggest this site for creating interfaces:

EDIT: Also check the stick tutorial thread in this section as well for more links.

When is back up, it has some really good tutorials…


speaking of
anybody know when its gonna be back up?
im gonna go insane if its not soon… that site is amazing

Here’s some old interfaces that got nixed long ago in the work process. I figured I’d also put the old minnesota vikings i-face up since your name also has vikings in it. Not saying your a fan…it just reminded me of the interface that I created awhile back also.

Sorry still new don’t know how to post multiple attachments - so I"m not trying to post whore or anything.

Nother - one

Nother one -

Last one -
Just thought it would give some inspiration back into doing some cool i-face designs. All Photoshop.

Nice interfaces shaz!

You can’t post multiple attachments. When posting multiple attaches you should put them all in a .zip file (given if file size works out) and upload them all at once in that.

those are pretty cool I-face…good job! Yes, I am a Vikings fan…go…VIKINGS…

Thanks for showing those cool I faces

So you are a Vikings fan! Well good to know - cuz we did the website. Its not much for design but rather built to take a lot of hits. Also its built with content manager so on their side they can modify a lot of the content. Sadly to say they haven’t been much of a money maker recently.