We are a young start-up International Export/Import company looking to create a template for a web presence, along with a corporate logo. Though we currently lack the startup funds necessary to hire outside aide, we would love to be able to work with a well-motivated designer.
Credit for help will be given throughout the three current domains we own, and help will the logo will be noted in all brochures/fliers/etc. This is a great opportunity for us, as well as for the designer, because the publicity itself will be worth the work put into this project.
For anyone that needs that extra notch in their portfolio, this is the project for you! If you are interested in helping us, contact us via the email address in our profile, or just pm us. Thanks!
Thanks for the replies, we are looking at the possibility of funding for develping and design, but as of yet are just fielding possible artists/designers. There is a definate possibility of monetary compensation, we are just currently not sure of the specifics. If you do have any questions, email or PM us, and we can talk business :2c: :D.
This isn’t an e-commerce site (per se), but just a web presence for an import/export company, mainly a way for potential customers to be able to see what is going on, and ways to contact us, and also to establish our validity. It requires a pretty simple template, I am just in-between multiple projects, and can’t set this up myself for another month or two.