Internet Browser Type Issue

Okay, so this is my beef. Whenever I am typing in FireFox, my type seems to jumble up and run into each other. Sometimes the text even disappears and I don’t see what I have typed until I hit return, or go to the next line.

It’s like somebody kerned everything to like -200.

This seems to only happen in Firefox. I’ve re-installed. Cleared my cache. Updated etc … nothing seems to correct the issue.

Attached is a screen shot showing my frustration.

I know I spelled “especially” incorrectly in the attached screenshot.

What the sentence should have read before being cut off by “this issue” is:

Especially when I am typing an email I do not get to see what I am **typing here.

“typing here” - **finished the sentence, but unless I hit return, it never shows me the rest of the sentence. This creates ALOT of errors etc. when I’m typing on the internet.

Thanks all!
