Internet Explorer 9 ignores swf "height"set to 100%

Hello, I’m a new member. I’m a designer and a flash programmer with couple of years of experience in actionscript3.0.
I’ ve started building a prototype of a flash web application:

I want it to resize to 100% of browser’s width and height, and then to center. I’m doing my adjustments on Event.RESIZE, and I’ve set “width” and “height” to 100% in Publish Settings of Flash CS5.
Everything works fine in Mozilla and in older Internet Explorer on my laptop (Windows XP), but it breaks somehow in IE 9 (running on Windows 7 64 bits).
What happens is that the “stageHeight” is fixed to 192 pixels somehow, instead of 100% of the window height. The “width” parameter seems to work ok, though. I’ve observed that the problem is with the “percent” parameter, because when I set the “height” of my flash object to a fixed value, e.g. 768, it works ok.
I’ve downloaded the latest version of IE9, but it’s the same.

Has anybody had a similar problem, is there a way it to get it done well, or is it a bug (well, really it seems to…) ?
I’d appreciate any help,

Best Regards