Internship in socal?

Hey everyone, especailly those who may fit the description. I am curious about internship roles at any web design office in southern california, although I do not want to present myself to cordially, as I am 16 years of age and simply looking for something to do in the summer perhaps. I am skilled in photoshop, dreamweaver, and have a slight knowledge of flash; but primarilly in the building/orginization of websites/corporate identity etc. As stated, I wish to become an intern, someone who may be paid, but someone who will gain off interning for a well respected firm (perhaps?). I know it may sound odd, as most places do not allow for interns, especially for those in my situation. Either way, if you are intrested in someone becoming an intern for your office (which includes working and learning) just PM me or email me at [email protected] . If requested, I will present you with a portfolio which contains jobs I have completed. Thanks in advance for your time.