IntervalManager as2 to as3

the following code is actionscript 2, but i need it in actionscript 3.
a few things stick out as not going to work, of course the _global and instanceof calls.
replacing the instanceof call with “is” fior example

if ( connection is MovieClip )

instead of

 if ( connection instanceof MovieClip )

what i cant figure out is what to replace the *_global *call with. right now i just took out the _global and the errors i receive are
1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 5.
1120: Access of undefined property MovieClip.
any ideas??

class com.oop.managers.IntervalManager
 static private var __listeners:Object = {};  // Will hold references to all objects that have called setInterval
 static private var __intervalID:Number = 0; // Will increment for any non-Movieclip instance calling setInterval
 function IntervalManager() {};      // Constructor
  * Overloaded setInterval function ( now requires 5 arguments instead of 3 )
  * @param   connection Indicates how the interval call will be stored (this will be a reference to a MC instance or to another class instance)
  * @param   intName     String name for the interval
  * @param   path         Path to the function to be called
  * @param   func         Name of function to be called on path specified
  * @param   time         Milliseconds between each call
 static public function setInterval( connection:Object, intName:String, path:Object, func:String, time:Number ):Void 
  clearInterval( connection, intName ); // makes it uncessary to call clearInterval before setInterval from now on
  if ( connection instanceof MovieClip ) // saves a reference into __listeners if object is an MC instance
   if ( __listeners[connection] == undefined )
   __listeners[connection] = {};
   // store reference of setInterval call into the __listeners Object ( to prevent orphaned intervals )
   __listeners[connection][intName] = _global.setInterval( path, func, time, arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10] );
  else // if its not an MC, this generates an ID for the Object.
   if ( connection.intervalID == undefined )
    connection.intervalID = "int" + ( __intervalID++ );
   __listeners[connection.intervalID] = {};
   __listeners[connection.intervalID][intName] = _global.setInterval ( path, func, time, arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10] );
 static public function clearInterval( connection:Object, intName:String ):Void 
  if ( connection instanceof MovieClip )
    _global.clearInterval ( __listeners[connection][intName] );
   _global.clearInterval ( __listeners[connection.intervalID][intName] );