I’m currently working on some web interface for a client.
It is working just fine with Firefox3 or into the flash IDE, but I get an error when launched in IE.
The error comes from making a php request to a distant server, wich should return me an XML file.
I can call that same request directly on my browser and I get a result wich seems ok (no parse error).
But when lanched in IE, the SWF catch an IOErrorEvent:
[IOErrorEvent type=“ioError” bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Erreur de flux. URL: “******”]
Within the function catching this event, I can see that bytesLoaded and bytesTotal from my URLLoader instance are set to 0, and that data is undefined.
It doesn’t seems to be trying to download.
I don’t think it is a security error, cause no securityEvent are launched, cause it is working with Firefox, and simply cause ther should be no restriction to a request I can make from the browser.
As for the HTTPStatut, I get a 200, wich is ok (I checked the doc).
So, I’m realy lost…
I can see no logic to this Error.
An IOError launched solely from the SWF under IE, while it doesn’t event load it, and while when I try the request directly from the browser I get no mistake…
I’m stuck until I’m done with this bug.
So if anybody has any idea, please share.