Ip point to domain name how to on IIS/Apache

Hey guys. Wazzup! I have a question… i have a apache/php/mysql on a windows platform… and i have an IIS on windows platform 2… And I have a domain name http://www.assumptioncollegeportal.ph <-- not working… how can i point assumptioncollegeportal.ph to my pc… i know i must have an DNS server to able to point my files on the domain name… or watever… :smiley: i have no idea to connect those… pls help… !! tnx kirupa gang!

it works…?? i’m not sure what you’re asking, if you don’t want that file list, you need an index.htm file

You need to have your IP and Domain name “paired” on a nameserver… try www.zoneedit.com… after you do that, you point to zoneedit’s name servers from the place where you bought your domain at :slight_smile: