hello all.
so in light of news of the new iPod videos being released, my gadget sense is tingling and i really want one. before i get one, i need to get rid of my current iPod, so i’m hoping someone here will be interested (by the way i was told i could post this here by upuaut…i checked with him first to make sure i could post something that was for sale…didnt want to infringe upon anyone).
okay…so its a 20gig iPod photo…flawless condition…only 3 months old. its been in a hardshell protective case (included, $30 retail) since day one, so there are no scratches on the screen or the back, or anywhere. the only flaw to the iPod is it has my name engraved onto the back…if you order them online thru apple’s website you get free lazer engraving…i figured what the hell…so thats the only downside is you’ll have davefelton engraved on the back of it. everything is included with the auction that came with the iPod except the white earbuds…i gave them away b.c i hate them…but…if you buy it from me, when i get my new one…i will ship you the earbuds that come with that one for no charge, becaue i won’t use them anyways.
so yeah…not sure what to ask for it, so just start making offers and we’ll go from there. post here, PM, or email me. Thanks!