Ipod error message - windows

[LEFT]OK a friend of mine gave me her iPod because she said “its broken”. So I hook up the USB cable, and it says “USB Device Not Recognized - One of the USB devices attatched to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it.” Its like a little bubble from the task bar (Windows XP Pro). That’s what she said happened to her too.


Now I’m guessing you can reformat the iPod? But how would I go about doing that? I can’t find my instruction manual…[/LEFT]

I get that message (not with an iPod) when I don’t have the drivers installed - anyway, try the Five R’s: Five R’s

Yup restore it, should work after that.

You will need to re-upload all the music/photos/vidoes tho.

OK so i need to download that update from iTunes right?

Problem: 45 meg-ish, and I have AOL…is there a faster solution?

and also

How will this work? The computer isn’t recognizing the iPod…just says unknown device…

If I find the CD that my iPod came with, is there an update on there?

Yeah there should be an updater on the CD.

If the iPod has been installed on that PC, then the chances are good there’s an updater installed. Look under All Programs > iPod and there might be an updater there.

It’s the only way you can do it, you need to re-format the iPod for Windows and to do that you need the iPod Updater.

Bear in mind that the Updater from the Apple website is the latest version and fixes more rescent bugs / problems that older updaters won’t.

yeah no way i’m waiting that long for the download

Thanks much Butters

btw: ok since its now like…reformated via my computer, not hers, how will that affect it when she plugs it back into her PC?
I also added a bunch of my songs onto her iPod…will she still keep those?

nope. not unless she uses third party software to get the tunes back on her computer.

I hate iPods.

When she plugs it in, it will have to re-download all the muisc to the iPod, it will erase all the music on it unless she transfers the songs you added first using something like CopyPod (like Defective said).

yeah but if you uncheck the box that auto-syncronizes your ipod? (Can’t remember the name, under preferences. Like when I connect my iPod, I manually add songs…it doesn’t delete anything). Will that work?

Yeah but she’s gonna have to drag everything over everytime she updates her library, it’s easier for the computer to just do it for you.

Just get her to download an app to transfer the music from iPod to the computer, then she can update it and set it to auto.

i have mine on manual…its not really a problem b/c the only time i need to update it is when i add a new album…and at that point its just like 12 songs, which i can shift-click and get all of them…

either way, thanks for everything man :thumb:

T’har be ok :pirate3: