
That’s nice, but in a way I don’t like it. Maybe it is because I have a Creative Jukebox Zen and the iPod stinks :slight_smile: hehe

:sniff sniff:
Do you like it as an art thingy, and just don’t like the product or what?
Just curious

i gotta share this with eveyone, this is really cool. awhile back i wanted to do some realistic stuff too, so i did my playstation 2, and it turned out really well… ill post it as soon as i upload it!


I like the art thing, but not the product. My Jukebox is so much cooler anyways… :slight_smile:

no seriously… i would not believe that your is nicer looking than the iPod at all…

i like it, but the bg could be darker. its too bright at the moment!

but the white background is classic apple…

the white background of the image, or the background of the iPod?
if you mean the ipod, thats how it really looks if you look at that picture someone so nicely attatched, im atually proud of how close i got it to look

the BG. but i guess you are right - it IS classic apple. Im so dumb! (slaps forehead) sorry!

dont slap your forehead… its bad for you
:slaps forehead:

nice~ http://www.infiniumlabs.com :slight_smile:

i dont get it…
nice site… but whats it got to do with anything

The realistic Photoshop stuff you were talking about :slight_smile:

i get it… i think
it looks nice

check this out, i did it a few months ago… when i was sick and had alot of time on my hands… very plain but it is realistic i think.

the image is kind of large :confused:

180 kb (or close to that)

but its worth it, so look at it



looks pretty good dude