

with the release of the iPod III I’m considering buying one.
But I have a PC running Windows ME, with only USB 1. Will I be able to use the iPod? Everywhere on the Mac site it says “FireWire or USB 2.0” but wouldn’t USB 1work too, but only slower?


Hi all,

I know this reply is a little late but I found the info here very useful while I was waiting for my ipod to be delivered and I wanted to verify it.

My ipod (the new 4gen model - comes with the USB 2.0 and Firewire cable) works with my laptop (Dell Notebook C600 - I think about 4 years old - I “inherited” it, W2K service pk 4) which does not have USB 2.0.

Warning: its much much slower (transfering about 9Gb of tunes took about 2.5 hours) but it does do it despite heavily hinting in the ipod docs that < USB 2.0 is not supported.

I’ve ordered a USB 2.0 card for better speed but just to let you know that USB versions do seem to be backwards compatible.

Thanks for your help.

um… ipods are awesome and everything… but what does this have to do with swift3d?

just a question

hahaha, good question ubermensch, i’ll move it to Computer and Games :slight_smile:

Yes, i would totally spring for that FireWire card, no doubt there.

As already stated, it will work, but just not as well. The charging is a big thing for me too, I love just plugging it into my PowerBook and letting it sync and charge, its the best combo you can have.

BTW: The newest gen of the iPod (click wheel iPod) is Gen 4 :smiley:

USB 2 also charges while it syncs :slight_smile:

I love my new 4g iPod :smiley:

How much you all pay for your iPods and where do you buy them?

If you are in the states then cnet.com is always a good place to check for prices.

compare prices - click here


Ah, the iPod…

I was wondering: suppose I’m looking for a 4Gb MP3 player. I have the choice between the iPod mini that everyone seems to buy and the Creative Muvo2.
Why would I buy the iPod when:

  1. the Creative Muvo2 is $50 cheaper;
  2. you can change the battery of the Creative Muvo2;
  3. the Creative Muvo2 is lighter than the iPod mini?

The only downside of the Muvo2 is:

  1. it looks cheaper and more “plastic-ish” than the iPod.

I would like to know your opinions on this, I don’t know what to buy… :slight_smile:

So Muvo2? :sleep:

well i dont know what the Muvo2 features are but…
I am almost 100% sure that the mini also has a calender, games, notes, contact, and a clock.

People go for the minis because they’re popular and want to look stylish :wink: